Sunday, 30 December 2012

new day, new life

New day has begun,
Life is here again,
And the past overcome,
To live the present again.

Filled up to brim,
With zeal to cater the day,
Light is spread to move the grim,
And afresh, started the day.

Mere mortals seek joy,
For it doesn't come alone,
The taste of victory in ploy,
Sorrow comes, again not alone.

New day has begun,
Life is here again,
And the past overcome,
To live the present again.


  1. Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
    There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the passion for life.

  2. That's a nice comment Venkey! It is certain that there is no beginning or end but there is always room to have passion in us! :)

    1. Good start a day with nice poem, but today I am reading in the evening after a nice day. Each day should begin with a positive note with passion for life and what we do then I suppose each day will remain the same. Have nice day

    2. If the day begins with a positive note then we tend to find the 'beautiful' in each and everything thus making each day a new living experience. Happy week ahead Sir! :D

  3. Suhasini, it is okay if you are swamped by negative thoughts. We are humans--complexity is our nature. That is the paradox. HA! We are not "realized souls or saints" to be blissful forever.

    1. However, an optimistic approach is indeed needed in this world of constant change and chaos!
      Happy New Year Sir! :)

  4. This is so apt since it's almost new year and a new beginning! :)
    Nice one, Suu.

    1. Thank you Dritz... And wish you a very Happy and a Prosperous 2013! :D


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