Friday, 5 April 2013

Oh my Gold!

Evening so pleasant, gilded
Over by the setting sun.
Beauty added to the beautiful,
Evoking zeal in fast run.
Love again shimmers down,
And heart rejoices in fun.


  1. After checking your blog I am lost of words, as a student (University of Hyderabad with 2500 acres of land) I used to go for long walks in the evenings, and my initial career in bear Bhimashankar near Pune (Shayadri range), I used to have lots of fun during monsoon and full moon nights, I am reminded of my days, thanks you for nice write up with pictures

    1. I am glad that my poem could remind you of your sweet past Sir. And when you say of all the enjoyable moments such as during monsoon and full moon nights, I would definitely want to visit your campus someday. Hope to have a fully-fledged tour of Hyderabad asap! :)

  2. Really loved your poem! The words, pictures and beautiful music together make a great combo!

    1. Thank you Shivi! And your comment adds more enjoyment to the poem-pictures-music! :)

  3. Replies
    1. Looking forward for the 'trip to Hyderabad'! :D


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