Ah... wait a minute Monsieur... or Madame if you're one...
Did you give me a second glance when you heard the tuk-tuk-click-click sound? Well, you see, I am being created. My creator is squeezing her mind out to adorn me with vocabulary. She's at it for hours together now!
Apparently, I create meanings, I give life to emotions... and not just that, I become the face for revolutions and wars... People sing me, crowds howl me, and I merge into the chorus very often.
I drop gently in fear out of a lover's lips when he is whispering to his beloved. I metamorphosize from emotions to love letters when it is her turn to reciprocate the love. I get formed in the language that the lovers think of, sometimes I carry ellipses within just to prolong the sensual talks...
I am a mother's care for her child, a father's reprimanding of his wanton, a sibling's harmless petty fights with the elder or younger... I become their vehicle and carry their voices in different tones...
Letters come together into words, and words become my bone house with punctuation becoming my different organs...
Well, I am what you are reading now... I am what you will use when you narrate this to someone...
I am an articulation of your thoughts on paper... I am a sentence. A sentence, at times, with a full-stop.
Apparently, I create meanings, I give life to emotions... and not just that, I become the face for revolutions and wars... People sing me, crowds howl me, and I merge into the chorus very often.
I drop gently in fear out of a lover's lips when he is whispering to his beloved. I metamorphosize from emotions to love letters when it is her turn to reciprocate the love. I get formed in the language that the lovers think of, sometimes I carry ellipses within just to prolong the sensual talks...
I am a mother's care for her child, a father's reprimanding of his wanton, a sibling's harmless petty fights with the elder or younger... I become their vehicle and carry their voices in different tones...
Letters come together into words, and words become my bone house with punctuation becoming my different organs...
Well, I am what you are reading now... I am what you will use when you narrate this to someone...
I am an articulation of your thoughts on paper... I am a sentence. A sentence, at times, with a full-stop.
Good one