Thursday 9 June 2016

large-hearted gentleman

​Thence from the lush green forests,
Heroically marches the emperor,
Elegant in the stature, he comes,
Triggering fear and tense in mortals.
Intense are his dreadful hands and feet,
Ghastly in his ways of a predator,
Earnest to his kind own, velvety muzzle -
Reaching out with boundless courage,
Risky is the large-hearted gentleman.
Onerous he is and needs to be tended to.
A reverie in sight are his hunting tricks,
Reasons million to worship this beast,
Surreptitiously mars his prey and wins.


  1. THE TIGER ROARS indeed absolutely wonderful little panda

  2. I was reading through in awe, once I finished, I thought, there should definitely be a catch here and I saw "The Tiger Roars". It's beautiful, ma'am.

  3. Those who encountered the beautiful beast in wild or those read the wonderful writers will agree with your words


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