Thursday 27 August 2020

ACFI Attempt 8



1. Crying Baby

2. Materials: FC Drawing Book, Classmate Mechanical Penpencil 0.7mm, Regular and Derwent Zero Eraser, FC 8B, Blending with Small Stump, Tissue Paper and Flat Brush (size 3)

3. Date: 27 August 2020; Time: Almost 4 Hours (didn't keep track of the time..).

4. This time, though I had the image edited with grids, I followed them only for a few features. The face looks a little longer than the actual image, nevertheless, on paper, the sketch has come out well. I liked it!

5. Because I messed up a little near the chin area, I had to mend it with tricks I knew.. Well, isn't that also part of art?

6. Getting better day by day, but in this process, what I have learned to assess my skills, sending ample time on a picture actually gives me good results. I may have to work on being more patient.



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